Frequently asked questions


Are the images free?

Authors can decide about licences for their images. They can be free for non-commercial use or commercial use. All paid images allow commercial use. Please check each image individually. Also, we recommend reviewing our licences in detail.

What are coins?

Coins represent the internal currency. You receive coins with paid plans or as a bonus.

How long will my coins stay valid?

You get regular coins with the Yearly plan. They stay valid for 365 days. Whenever you buy new coins, the validity of all of them extends by 365 days.
You can also receive bonus coins. They are typically valid for 1 month.

I don't see image categories

Stock image sites typically work with keywords enterred by image authors. Computers are still not good at understanding images, therefore search engines dependend on what we tell them about each image. This is very limiting.
Our approach is different. We're employing artificial intelligence and users' inputs to describe images. Our search engine improves itself as new information is coming from users, their clicks, downloads and votes.

More top keywords will appear in the future instead of categories.

What is Licence L1?

Licence L1 allows you to use images at non-commercial projects such as personal blogs, community sites, personal web sites, academical materials, research, open-source projects and others. If you hesitate, feel free to ask, we always find individual solution.
Check the licences page for more details.

What is Licence L2?

Licence L2 allows you to freely use images at commercial projects such as company sites, software, advertisement, etc. Check the licences page for more details.

What is Licence L3?

Licence L3 allows you to use images at commercial projects such as company sites, software, advertisement, etc. The difference between L2 and L3 is in price. L2 is always free. L3 is always paid.
Check the licences page for more details.

FAQ for contributors

How much do I get from each sale?

Most of the big stock image sites pay their authors only 20-50%. We pay 60% or more!

Can I set any price for my images?

The biggest stock image sites are crazy about their high pricing. $20 for an image is insanely high. Our philosophy is different. We strongly support free content, therefore most of our own images are free. The maximum price that can be put on any image is $3.

Do you require exclusivity?

Not at all. The art work is your property. We provide you with a sales and marketing channel. You can freely sell your images elsewhere for any price you want. We believe in providing value rather than restrictions.

What is the threshold for the payment?

We pay to our contributors if their account reaches at least $200. The limit is once payment in 2 months. You can get paid by PayPal or a bank transfer within EU.